Co-authored articles in peer reviewed journals: Ophthalmology

From 2015 to 2018, I was a Global Medical Affairs Director for Novartis in their Ophthalmology division with Ranibizumab. Below are a few of the publications that resulted from my work there:

Systemic Safety in Ranibizumab-Treated Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Patient-Level Pooled Analysis

Long-Term Outcomes of Ranibizumab Treatment of Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization In East-Asian Patients From the Radiance Study

Treat-and-Extend versus Monthly Regimen in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Results with Ranibizumab from the TREND Study

How Does Risperidone Work and What Does it Treat? By Wayne Macfadden MD

Wayne Macfadden's WordPress Blog

An antipsychotic medication, risperidone may regulate the balance of brain neurotransmitters. Scientists posit that abnormal communication among nerve cells in the brain causes most psychotic illnesses. Therefore, by altering communication through neurotransmitters, risperidone alters the psychotic state. This medication helps patients to think clearly and to improve their functioning in daily life.

Risperidone is widely used to treat schizophrenia, a mental illness characterized by unusual or disturbed thinking, inappropriate or strong emotions, and loss of interest in life. Psychiatrists also prescribe risperidone to patients with bipolar disorder who experience episodes of mania, which is a display of abnormal or frenzied excitement, or for mixed episodes, where mania and depression occur together. Furthermore, psychiatrists use risperidone to treat persons with autism who undergo sudden mood changes, display aggression, or are at risk of self-injury. While risperidone controls the symptoms of mental illness, it does not cure these mental conditions.

About the…

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Expert in Bipolar Disorders

Wayne Macfadden's WordPress Blog

Dr. Wayne Macfadden has practiced psychiatry for more than 20 years and takes a particular interest in bipolar disorder, a topic on which he has published extensively. Dr. Wayne Macfadden has authored several articles on the efficacy of the drug quetiapine as a monotherapy for bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a highly recurrent and sometimes chronic mood disorder that presents as an alternation between periods of deep depression and periods of mania. It normally manifests in two forms: bipolar I, in which symptoms of depression exceed those of mania by a ration of about 3:1; and bipolar II, in which patients spend even more time in the depressive pole than the manic pole. Some bipolar patients experience rapid cycling or mood shifts between mania and depression that occur very quickly, usually within the course of a few hours. The mood swings associated with bipolar disorder can play havoc with a…

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Expert in Bipolar Disorders

Dr. Wayne Macfadden has practiced psychiatry for more than 25 years and takes a particular interest in bipolar disorder, a topic on which he has published extensively. Dr. Wayne Macfadden has authored several articles on the efficacy of the drug quetiapine as a monotherapy for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a highly recurrent and sometimes chronic mood disorder that presents as an alternation between periods of deep depression and periods of mania. It normally manifests in two forms: bipolar I, in which symptoms of depression exceed those of mania by a ration of about 3:1; and bipolar II, in which patients spend even more time in the depressive pole than the manic pole. Some bipolar patients experience rapid cycling or mood shifts between mania and depression that occur very quickly, usually within the course of a few hours. The mood swings associated with bipolar disorder can play havoc with a person’s energy and ability to function normally. While bipolar mania has dramatically disruptive effects, bipolar depression has been found to be even more detrimental and burdensome on patients and their families and loved ones.

Bipolar depression cannot generally be treated by antidepressants such as monotherapies (treatment of a condition using a single drug), unlike so-called “unipolar” major depression. However, the atypical antipsychotic drug quetiapine (commonly branded as Seroquel), usually recommended for treating the symptoms of schizophrenia, has been found to be effective as a monotherapy in treating bipolar depression. Quetiapine also appears to produce lower rates of treatment-emergent mania when used to treat bipolar depression, suggesting that it might be an effective mood stabilizer. It also appears to be effective in treating bipolar I and bipolar II depression, and for patients with or without histories of rapid cycling.

Wayne Macfadden MD

Wayne Macfadden, MD is a board certified psychiatrist in Haddonfield, New Jersey. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in New Jersey. He is affiliated with South Jersey Rad Associates, Quest – Haddonfield PSC, and South Jersey Rad Associates.